Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy Grad

My younger sister graduated from high school earlier this year, and I pulled her aside to take some portraits of before the ceremony. I love the way a lot of them turned out. It's hard to get a photo of her smiling genuinely, so these are some of my favorite photos of her.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Amazing Cupcakes.

Mmm, cupcakes. Lauren, Amy F and I recently went to Couture Cakes by Nika and got a sugar rush. Not only are the cakes lovely on the outside, but the fillings are awesome, too! For example, the cookies and cream cupcake had a whole Oreo inside. No joke.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A place I love.

I lived in Richmond for five years while I attended VCU. That's a fair chunk of my life thus far, and there are times when I miss the city and atmosphere unbearably. Then again, that might just be nostalgia vision since I can clearly recall raging about the driving conditions and cost of living. In any case, it's times like these that I'm glad I had the presence of mind to take tons of photos during college.